CastiaMC Vanilla Server
Today we are announcing a brand new experience to the server. Going forward, Castia will not only have a towny server but also a vanilla server!

Today we are announcing a brand new experience to the server. Going forward, Castia will not only have a towny server but also a vanilla server!
No redstone restrictions, villagers enabled, just vanilla. However, this vanilla server will not be available to everyone. You will need to purchase a whitelist package on in order to be able to play on this server.
Why pay-2-play?
Because the server is almost entirely vanilla, it means there are no land claims to protect your stuff. Griefing is still against the rules and staff can still check who stole and/or griefed.
But, this will stop the majority of trolls from entering the server, only attract people that are serious about playing vanilla and will make moderation easier.
After purchasing whitelist access you can join the server through
or you can type /server vanilla
from the towny server.
This server is using Minecraft 1.20.4.
We hope to see you online for this exclusive experience!