March 2024 Recap
March has been a pretty calm month for the server. There haven't been a lot of big changes but we have been planning for stuff behind the scenes. With your help and the recent poll, we have a pretty good idea of what to focus on going forward.

Hello everyone! We are back again with another recap.
March has been a pretty calm month for the server. There haven't been a lot of big changes but we have been planning for stuff behind the scenes. With your help and the recent poll, we have a pretty good idea of what to focus on going forward.
Speaking of this recent poll, the top 5 most upvoted features we should prioritize are;
- New and improved job perks
- More Events
- A more diversified way to receive relics
- Better daily rewards
- A new, modern and improved ChestShop plugin
And then we have these 5 follow-ups;
- A centralized place for chestshops (/market)
- More custom items
- Something like mcmmo
- A complete store rank perk overhaul
- Custom advancements
Obviously we can't do all of them at once. However, we have already started working on a new Jobs Plugin which turns jobs into skills. You can read more about it Here on our Discord server. This will cover both new and improved job perks as well as a McMMO-like experience. In addition to that, we have also planned +/-40 new custom items that complement the new skills.
We have also started planning out a new and improved ChestShop plugin but we are still figuring out the details. There will be more info about this in the upcoming weeks and we will ask for more feedback.
Easter Event
In the last week of march we had an easter egg hunt event running on the server. A total of 553 people have found at least 1 egg. However, 199 players have found all 30 eggs.
What did you think about the event? Let us know on discord!
Sovereign Club
LowkeyHuman & bibilopolist have now joined the Sovereign club, for a total of 8 members. Congrats! Who do you think is going to be the next person to reach Sovereign rank?
Town Updates
All players together are currently maintaining 495 unique towns with 21,594 chunks claimed. That's 5 towns more than last month! Additionally, a total of $138,098,414 is currently being held in all town banks combined. That is 12.1% less than last month.
Here are some of the towns we would like to show off:

What's Next?
Coming to the server soon:
These are new features that we have planned for the near future. However, we don't want to make any promises. These are our goals and we will try our best.
- Work on the new Jobs/Skills plugin
- Work on the new ChestShop plugin
We want to thank everyone who's been a part of March and we hope to see you again during April!